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Archive for June, 2013



I’m so scared. Four years, a chronic illness and mental ill health and I’ll find out if it was all worth it tomorrow.

I keep being told to calm down because I already have a job lined up but:
1) these people CLEARLY don’t know me :chronic worrier:

2) what if the job is taken away? Granted, there was no clause in the contract about needing to achieve a specific grade but to apply you had to have or be expected to achieve a 2:1 or above and to bring your certificate on your start day.

I’ve worked so so hard for this. I just hope it showed and has paid off.

I feel sick to my stomach…though that could be because of all the ice cream.

Better post soon, when things are somewhat calmer!


The Ramblings of a Foolish Northerner

Chemistry Matters

A blog about chemistry in real life

The Thiessen Review

Helping to find your next great read . . .


we interact, we love, we create

My Guild-type things

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My Microtia Journey

A 21 Year Old's Story About Her Microtia Surgeries

oh heck, goblins

mental health and goblins and stuff

Ben C. Turnbull

Transitioning into science, and other interesting things. @bencturnbull #UG2PhD

Blogging for a Good Book

A suggestion a day from the Williamsburg Regional Library

Books, j'adore

story lovers unite


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