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About Me!

My name is Kathy and I am a final year Human Biology student, with a passion for science (shock), science communication, research, sexism in science and when I need a break from all that reality, BOOKS! On this site, I will be reviewing various types of fiction (mostly fantasy) but will also review popular science books too, as well as breaking down the scientific jargon in new breakthroughs/controversies/popular science topics. Also, as an impending graduate I will also be writing about the various careers and development graduate courses and talks I will be attending.

I am new to this and would really appreciate feedback!

I may be slightly irregular in posting due to struggling with various health issues and final year work but bear with me (rawr!) and the posts will come. There may end up being some posts about coping with various health conditions when trying to do a full time university course and what you can/should expect from your welfare team at university and beyond.

I hope in the future to get onto a PhD course in biomedical research and go on to either develop my own research or go into science communications as it is so frustrating how bad some science pieces come across to the general public when it really doesn’t have to be that way.

If you have any questions about any of this, please message me on here or my Twitter @Kitanda962

Comments on: "About Me!" (2)

  1. Lyndsay Moir said:

    I have nominated you for a Liebster award! http://pixiemoir.wordpress.com/2013/03/01/liebsterlove/

  2. You can always tell an expert! Thanks for connributitg.

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